Robin Williams’ Heartfelt Letter: How He Tried To Help A Young “Mrs.
Doubtfire” Co-Star Stay In School
Robin Williams fought for Lisa Jakub’s education after she was expelled for
filming Mrs. Doubtfire, showing his kindness and support for young actors.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Obligatory DVD Release Post 5/31/2011
New Releases:
Drive Angry:
Me: Hey look, it's Nic Cage!
O.P: Who?
Me: Oh you know, the guy from all those movies?
O.P: The one with the shotgun?
Me: No, that's professional that guy David Morse! The other one.
O.P: You mean the one that looks like Billy Ray Cyrus mated with an orangutan?
Me: Ummmm... yeah. But I swear he wasn't always that way. He used to be a proper actor who picked good roles and made films that were exciting and intriguing.
O.P: Wait, I know who he is now!
Me: Awesome! I take you know him from Face -
O.P: He was the dude from that scene with the bear!
Me: ...Off. Oh I give up, what's the point?
Biutiful: I take it this is not the James Blunt documentary I've been waiting for?
Kaboom: I take your Kaboom and raise you two Kapows! Take that veil efforts at mimicry of a comic book.
Waiting City: *shrug* Yeah, I've never of it either.
Passion Play: Make that a double.
Other Goodies:
American Graffiti (blu-ray): The proof you've been waiting your whole life for, at last! Proof that George Lucas wasn't always an evil DJ beating the same broken record to death.
Stanley Kubrick: Limited Edition Collection (Blu-Ray): Spartacus, Lolita, Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Barry Lyndon, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Eyes Wide Shut. All blu-ray. All for roughly $100 bucks. Excuse me, I need a change of pants.
Once Upon a Time in the West (Blu-Ray): No, those aren't tears in my eyes, I swear!
Well, that's all from me folks. Enjoy your day and happy hunting!
8 better thoughts:
Yea, another week of no DVD.
Nice post, Drive Angry worth a watch?
That Kubrick set is awfully tempting. If I didn't own most of them on regular DVD, I would probably jump on this collection ASAP.
I totally need to buy that Once Upon a Time in the West bluray. The screens I've been seeing are amazing.
@Castor I hear yah.
@Chris I may never know. It's not a movie that particularly appeals to me. For future reference, I always link if I have reviewed a movie coming out. Thanks for commenting!
@Eric I only own one which makes it all the more enticing. However, my lack of a blu-ray player severely complicates things.
@cinemasights Sounds like a plan to me.
I fought the strong, strong urge to buy that entire Kubrick set and instead only ordered Barry Lyndon and Once Upon a Time in the West. Can't wait! I'm assuming that better editions of the Kubricks will eventually come out and I already have nice DVDs.
Drive Angry... why? Maybe once True Grit hits I'll buy a DVD.
Yeah, well I take your Kapows and raise you a Kazaam!
@ Chris - Drive Angry pretty much sucked. Unless you like below-average, shoulda-been campy flicks...then it's perfect.
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