Welcome to a Life in Equinox! The following is a series of words which will vaguely inform you on the merits of my blog. If you proceed to read them, be forewarned - I have an odd imagination.
A Life in Equinox was founded in August of 2009 by Ryan Helms (aka Univarn) after years of maintaining a review journal on RottenTomatoes. The goal of this website is simple: to share a passion for movies with fellow movie buffs while at the same time blend my special sense of humor with a series of odd comments and rants about the entertainment industry.
This is normally where a blogger would share their merits, such as being in the Technorati Top 100 for film or having been featured on the IMDB Hit List (only once - need to keep my ego in check). Also, this blog has been featured in a quote by my grandmother "why do you waste your time with that thing?" - see credentials, that's what we call 'street cred' in the entertainment writing industry. Well, to be fair, there could have been a mix up... you know what, never mind let's move on.
So be sure to enjoy yourself as a complete index of my reviews can be found on the page bar, along with my top 100 films and current (minuscule) film collection. If you want to get in touch with me you can email me via the contact button up top, or hit me up on twitter or facebook.
Weekly Content:
The Monday Corner: A day of work, for some... for me, it's the day I give back. The Monday Corner is the focal point of Life in Equinox's desire to share community love. Including links and poll results, with a bit of randomness surrounding, The Monday Corner is among the most popular of Life in Equinox's features.
Obligatory DVD Release Post: Since everyone else is doing it, why not me? Before you check out your DVDs, be sure you read my insight (stupid comments) about this week's releases! Posted most Tuesdays.
Obligatory Weekend Movie Post: The original obligatory post. Satire and stupidity all aimed at whatever is coming out this weekend. Posted on Fridays.
If there's anything you'd like to see/discuss you can always email me at lifeinequinox@gmail.com
‘The Roses’ Will Bloom For Olivia Colman & Benedict Cumberbatch On August 29
[image: Olivia Colman][image: ‘The Roses’ Will Bloom For Olivia Colman &
Benedict Cumberbatch On August 29]
Should we be worried? We might be. *Jay Roach’s...