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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Obligatory DVD Release Post 4/19/2011
New Releases:
The King's Speech: What happens when an impenetrable force hits an unmovable object? COLIN FIRTH OSCAR SEXY TIME! So cool, you can set your old school calculator watch by it and still walk away a winner.
Rabbit Hole: There should be an award for making it through more than so many soap opera style depressing movies in a year.We could all it: the MOPEY. Get it presented by Vanessa Marcil and you have yourself a winner. For the record, I hope to never win this fictional award I've created. Would feel so... downtrodden.
Somewhere: Over the rainbow where everything is kind of, you know, just so... like, ugh, yah know? I mean, really. It's just so, ugh, yah know? Gosh. Sorry Sofia Coppola, I bought the "it's lonely being rich" line a long time before you even thought of directing, and I don't need it sold to me again. I'm quite happy with what I bought.
The Way Back: Finally! Your chance to see a movie nobody else bothered seeing because they're lame, and you're awesome! Also, I love Peter Weir, even if this movie does struggle more than it should have. So what are you waiting for? Go now!
Gulliver's Travels: As far away from me as possible. Sorry Emily, it's not you... it's this movie. We're just going in different directions. You've lined up a lot of trivial roles in dribble films, and I'm thinking Carry Mulligan's stealing your spot among the Beautiful British Power Squad. Look on the bright side, we'll always have Young Victoria.
Other Releases: Ip Man 2 (Ip harder?) and If God is Willing and da Creek Don't Rise (whatever the hell that means)
Other Goodies:
Kes(Criterion): I've been waiting a long time to see this, so you can consider me jumping and ready to go.
Ingrid Bergman 3 Film Collection: I usually ignore nonsensical side collections, but after all.. this is Ingrid Bergman we're talking about! There is never anything nonsensical when it comes to here.
Sweetie(Criterion): Because Jane Campion and Criterion can't both do bad, can they? If so, I shall be a sorrowful man come credit time.
Well, there you have it ladies and gents. Happy hunting!
8 better thoughts:
Good, I've been wanting to see The King's Speech.
Ugh, I went to three stores this morning (all in the same area, but still) and none had copies of 'Ip Man 2'. Come on...
Somehow Coppola's films are really overrated and blah for me. Maybe Somewhere will be the odd one out? (No.)
@AlexJ Hope you enjoy it. Just note: It's not a traditional tale and much more of a biopic - I think it helps going in not expecting a single story.
@edgar Ouch - I thought Ip Man was OK, I might check out the sequel.
@5plitreel They've yet to work well for me and among her fanbase I've even heard rumblings of Somewhere being her worst - not exactly metal to my movie watching magnet.
IP MAN 2 is friggin' awesome! I got my hands on it about a a month ago and it won't let you down!
I really want to watch THE WAY BACK but I'm afraid that it will be too despressing.
And I think I'm gonna pass on SOMEWHERE, I'm not a big fan of Coppola's work.
I just bought the DVD to "Somewhere". I'm a fan of the film. Then again, I'm a fan of Sofia's work.
I'm just disappointed by the lack of lots of special feature as the only one included is a 17-minute documentary which is still pretty good. Sort of worth the $21 I spent at Best Buy but I'd rather pay half than that.
I'm waiting for a G-rated version of The King's Speech. Or maybe an NC-17 one...
Hey, I watched a Peter Weir movie this weekend! It was just called something else. Dead Poets something or other.
Ridiculously stacked week in DVD releases. Haven't seen any of those movies but I have most interest in The King Speech (obviously) and The Way Back.
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