What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the Movie Picture Code! Does that make sense? Not really, but it's the best I could do on short notice and still tie in to the season.
Click on the images to enlarge.
Colin, Jake - 6
Kano, Sam - 4
Jason, Jess, John - 3
Mad Hatter, Yojimbo_5 - 2
Nikhat, Red, Will - 1
Outside the Box:
Jake - 3
Colin, Kano - 2
James, Jason, Liam Underwood, Never Too Early MP, Sam - 1
Oscar Volley: No matter who takes Best Animated Film, we’re all winners!
*The Oscar Volleys are back for some post-nomination talks. Today, Cláudio
Alves and Nathaniel Rogers discuss Best Animated Film...*
*FLOW | © Janus Film...
5 better thoughts:
1. Poltergeist?
3. 28 Days Later
2. Nightmare on Elm Street
@Jake Well that's one way to take a commanding lead. Correct on all three accounts Jake!
I won't even try then...
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