I should be banned from watching television after about 1:30 in the morning. By some random act of nature, once I cross that threshold, all sense of social awareness, civic responsibility, human decency, and rational thought cease, and my mind turns into a puddled mesh of horrid decision making. Knowledge that I need to wake up in a handful of hours, for some reason that is likely respectable and (possibly even) admirable, dissipates and I'm left with only what the television offers....
"Hey look, It's Pat is on!" Why? Why can't I just turn off the TV? Would it be too great a crime against my senses for me to seek rest instead of subject myself to torture such as this? Of course it doesn't help that I don't become consciously aware that I've spent the last hour watching From Justin to Kelly until it's far too late to do anything about it. Then my mind justifies seeing it through to the end, all the while constantly reminding me of the stupidity of its own decision.
Oh yes, those lovely little decisions made in a time well beyond the signal to have retired for the evening. In those moments, anything is possible, and everything sounds reasonable. "A two hour documentary on Donald Trump's hair? Score!" Willpower you say? How could I possibly refuse three straight hours of competitive backgammon!? There's just no end to my desire for early morning nothingness.
So, I ask - what viewing decisions have you made in those quiet moments prior to the break of dawn that you've found yourself going "what the hell was I thinking?" the following day?
*Netflix *has released a trailer for their Spanish language movie *THE DAD
QUEST* which will...
7 better thoughts:
Legally Blondes...When In Rome (something I actually had hopes for).
Oh the worst was when I saw Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging, and started crying about how pathetic my life was compared to the super-pathetic protagonist.
I make it a point not to stay past 2:30 now.
Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica...
Come to think of it, I should stay up later more often. It's usually the reason I get hooked into a good show.
Sorry, I regret none of my late night media choices...well, maybe Glee, but only because of how much it started sucking later on.
I don't want to get into my love-life, thank you.
The most interesting thing about It's Pat! is it was co-written by film-critic Jim Emerson. I think Roger Ebert took pity on him and gave hime his editor job for his web-site was because Roger had similarly written Beyond the valley of the Dolls.
Twilight. The Paul Newman one. Goddamn.
Say It Isn't So, twice, because I'd forgotten I'd already seen it. Worse yet, I've got it scheduled for a third view for my blog. Also, I've been known to watch both runs of Adult Swim back to back.
I watched something called "Cleavagefield" once out of sheer boredom and found myself comparing and contrasting it to "Cloverfield". Generally speaking, though, my late night viewing habits revolve a lot more around tackling episodes of Seinfeld or South Park or whatever is on in syndication, despite the fact that I've seen them all multiple times.
I recently watched Tom Hanks' 'Bachelor Party' while staying up late... but that had Tawny Kitaen in it so it was worth it.
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