You can try and change it.
You can try and imitate it.
You can try and replicate it.
But you will never duplicate it.
*As an apology for no MC last week I offer you all a free cookie if you ever come to NC. And if you're already in NC pester me to make your claim. Just be forewarned these will be bargain, still no job, cookies.
For your Consideration:
So many posts, so little time! GO GO GO!
Go See Talk kicked off a fun blog-a-thon this past week which spread throughout the blogging land having various bloggers look at the movies that define them. Check it out!
Dark of the Matinee took the time out of his busy schedule to answer any, and all, questions his readers had. So many great ones, so many fun ones, just an all around great idea.
Film Intel is looking ahead to the end of 2010 and is letting you know what films you might miss if you're not careful! (note: releases are based on UK release date).
Anomalous Material's 31 Days to Build a Better Blog is already in full swing, but that doesn't mean you can't start picking up the great advise from Darren Rowse (author of the book of the same name).
Author extraordinaire Alex J. Cavanaugh tackles the topic of his favorite "quiet movies." Who knew Clint Eastwood would ever be on this list?
Poll Update:
Wow, I must say people I know this past week's poll was weak, but your voting... tsk tsk tsk.
Results: Step Up 3D will....
1. 7 votes: Be Good (I deny all knowledge of your existence, forsaken forever)
2. 6 votes: Come and Go (I accept your opinion and deem ye acceptable)
3. 3 votes: End Cinema as we know it (harsh, but it should throw up more warning signs than it did)
4. 1 vote: Force People to Question Themselves (WINNER!)
5. 0 votes: End the 3D Craze (oh well, I hoped as much)
New Poll: With the upcoming release of Legends of Ga'Hul and the latest Sucker Punch trailer, I want to know your thoughts on Zach Snyder!
Help Me, Help You:
I'm looking for a couple of you to help me out. I've been told my Contact Me form isn't working, and I'd like for someone to give it the old Test (link is on the pages bar at the top of the page). If you could:
1. Go to the page, make sure it loads ok
2. Fill out the fields and email me something.
3. Report to the comments any errors you get (if none just say you did it so others know).
I'd greatly appreciate it, and it'd help me out a ton! Thanks. Please don't attack me though. Just a couple should do (preferably one local and one overseas for arguments sake).
That's all ladies and gents. Be sure to tune in next week when we'll have Links, Camels, and Flying Zombies of Doom! But I may have been lying about 2 of the those.
Monica Barbaro Faced Her Stage Fright Of Singing To Portray Joan Baez In ‘A
Complete Unknown’
[image: Monica Barbaro][image: Monica Barbaro Faced Her Stage Fright Of
Singing To Portray Joan Baez In ‘A Complete Unknown’]
There are many jaw-dropping a...
8 better thoughts:
yea, yea, I already feel forsaken :)
We were in full withdrawal mode with hallucinations, migraines and all. Thankfully, the Monday corner is back!!!!!!
Yay linkage!
Welcome back compadre - the blogosphere wasn't the same without you.
I feel like I'm going crazy but I can't actually find your Contact Me page, so I can't be of help there sorry.
Thanks for the mention! Clint's a quiet but cool actor.
Off to check other sites now.
@Alex It's the seventh tab on the top of the page.
I only see 6 tabs... "Movie Collection" is the last one I see. Maybe the site doesn't load properly for me?
I am deeply, deeply concerned about Step Up 3D. As I understand it, a million gazillion bucks has been spent on technology to provide little old me with the sensation of pretty people throwing funky hats in my face. Me not want. I agree with the solitary voter: Watching this movie would force me to question myself.
Hooray for the Monday Corner! My cuppa tea and a biscuit taste even better. Thank you for the perfect tea break :)
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