As I weighed the opportunities heavily, I decided on one that I felt would be most suiting. One that I felt would benefit me, and give my lovely readers more say: A Blog Review (or as the LAMB's so eloquently call it - a Blog Busting).
So, dear readers, now's your chance! Head on over to my blog review post at Anomalous Material, and tell me what you really think of my blog. Hold nothing back. What would you change. What can I do better. What can I do more of, less of. How can I improve. All those little things you think while reading my blog. There's your gateway to express them!
Now, GO GO GO!
Oh, and for those wondering, Obligatory Weekend Post up at Noon. As if you need to know what's opening this weekend.
3 better thoughts:
I left a comment. And you know I couldn't criticize if I wanted to. I just had my blog shredded by the Blog Book Tour critique group, so I know how it feels.
I did. You've gotten high remarks, good sir.
I remember when I got that treatment, it killed my soul a little.
Ack, bad memories of Brutally Blunt Blog Blustering are coming back.
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