A History of Sex Workers and Oscar Wins
by Nathaniel R
Mikey Madison, Best Actress winner for "ANORA"With Mikey Madison's much
buzzed about semi-surprising Best Actress win for *Anora *(2024) a...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Obligatory Weekend Movie Post 1/21/2011
Well, ladies and gents, we come now to the work's week end (for some of us). With that entails a new collection of silly posts for your reading pleasure. Yet, ye be warned... there be Colin Farrell on the horizon!
Wide Releases:
The Way Back: I know! I didn't think this would be getting much of a release either. Leave it to Hollywood to throw out the whole kit and kaboodle... behind a film they haven't spend two dimes marketing. Well, I say 'whole,' it's a bit more like a third really. That doesn't stop me though. I love me some Peter Weir! From Gallipoli's transcendent final shot to the dodo bird of Master and Commander, I can't get enough. Now if only I could get everyone to stop staring at me, Truman Show style, when I hop up on desks in the middle of a classroom. Tough to be a poet these days.
No Strings Attached: Maybe to you, but I'd argue the entire audience with nooses around their neck would beg to differ. I kid, I kid. I don't think this will be a dreadful film. Even if Portman wins the Oscar, there's no way this could be her Stealth... could it? Dear me, I hope not. Would the world survive?
Limited Releases:
The Company Men: From the director of... a few ER episodes. The writer of... quite a few more ER episodes. OH, and he did a couple West Wing episodes too. Comes a film about someone desperately trying to get out from underneath the shadow of Sorkin and Crichton. John Wells, take center stage and let's see what you can do. Just remember, if you fail to make an interesting film with Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper among your feature cast, the world will forever shun you.
Well ladies and gents, a little bit for everyone.
4 better thoughts:
I plan on seeing 'The Way Back' next week and will write about it too. I keep reading that this is the kind of film that must be seen on the big screen. I've always enjoyed Weir's films; it's a shame that he had such a hard time getting this one financed and distributed, but I'm sure it'll be good.
The Way Back looks pretty good but I will wait for the DVD. Still haven't seen True Grit or Blue Valentine lol... No Strings Attached has a 48% Rotten Tomatoes score so far (about 70 reviews in) so it's probably not as bad as I feared. Another one that will wait for a DVD. As for her "Stealth", have you looked at the movies she has lined up after Black Swan? LOL
But I have to see No Strings Attached...what will become of Gerwig otherwise? WHAT!?
It's a real shame about THE WAY BACK.
Heard that Kaling and Gerwig are lovely in NO STRINGS ATTACHED, which makes me interested but not anxious.
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