Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ink (2009)


When night comes two forces emerge from another realm, while one group delivers good dreams and hope to sleepers, the others delivers only nightmares and painful thoughts. John (Chris Kelly) is a workaholic who recently lost his wife, and had his daughter taken away by his in-laws deeming him a negligent father. When his daughter, Emma (Quinn Hunchar), has her conscious stolen into the other realm by the monster Ink, John is the only one who can reconnect and save her, but first he must see the truth.

High on concept, style, and story, Ink is a strong Indie film that suffers many of the Indie hurdles but still manages come threw with minimal scaring. Told non-linearly with dual storylines occurring at the same time, Ink really takes an intellectual viewing to get into. Elevated by some beautiful moments in directing, and a musical score to die for, Ink really appeals to those who like their sci-fi with a good combination of unique, morality, and action. Jamin Winan displays a real care about the story, and cares to have it done right, in spite of all the problems he must face with such a small budget. Of course it doesn't hurt that his concept really reaches out beyond the screen, bringing in heavy handed moral statements on the many ways in which we can live.

Of course Ink is not without its flaws. The indie actors waver back and forth between on spot and cheesy, but Winan, seemingly aware of this, does his best to keep them in check. Of course Winan isn't a perfect writer/director. Some things he puts in the film are a little over the top (for example: "the nose"), with an insane amount of quick cuts during action scenes (I'm talking a cut every .5-1.5 seconds), and a few scenes that linger far too long. What carries Ink through these bumps is without a doubt the story. Amazingly visual, Ink brings about some moments of real cinematic power, and in depth look at the struggles between success and family that haunt many modern workers.

The film's more in depth discussion definitely outweigh its weaker moments, and in return the viewer is granted with a unique sci-fi experience, unlike anything I've seen in the last few years. I believe that's really saying something, especially when you consider all the great use of the camera presented with such a small budget. Though of course with a small budget comes another thing often forgotten, the need to be creative. Without the ability to fill in random events with over the top CGI, Winan does an amazing job of creating visual effects with what he has to work with. Especially some of the film's more impressive visual moments, such as the film's first fight scene.

While very flawed Ink gets by on a great concept, moments of cinematic amazement, and a killer musical score.

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