WIN “The Rebel” Starring Tony Hancock On Blu-ray
For your chance to win The Rebel on Blu-ray, answer the question below to
be entered into the free prize draw.
The post WIN “The Rebel” Starring Tony Hanc...
Top 10 Films of 2024
It's that time of year! You know, that time where I'm three months late
with my favorite films of the previous year. The ironic part is the few
movies that...
Die Nibelungen (1924) Directed by Fritz Lang
Die Nibelungen is a 2 part film, almost 5 hours long, that tells the
story Siegfried in the first part who rises to legendary status by killing
a dra...
My Favorite Gene Hackman Line Readings
I know, I know. My eulogy for Gene Hackman argued that he was such a
quality actor, he did not even need lines to impart character and feeling.
And that’s ...
Lambcast #764 Whatcha Been Watchin’?
Sometimes, you just have to unload all the stuff you have been doing. What
better place than on the Lambcast, where you can tell us all about the
movies yo...
ROMAN HOLIDAY (William Wyler, 1953, USA)
Joe Bradley is heartbroken and left abandoned, not before the Alter but a
Princess’ vacant throne. Princess Ann, played by the beautifully childlike
Winners, Day Three: The 2024 Hollmann Awards
Today is the last day of the 2024 Hollmann Awards. The full list of
nominees is here, the first six winners are here, and the last six winners are
*here*. ...
Blue Sky
The opening credits of Tony Richardson's *Blue Sky* depict an assortment of
magazines, all advertising glamor and sophistication. Photos of Hollywood
trans|cendental cinema
Some bittersweet news - this will be the final post at From the Front Row.
Today I am unveiling my new website,
After 18 y...
What happens when you get stuck in a blackout and nothing to do but hide
away from frightening inmates of an insane asylum? I guess we complain
about who’s...
Dress review: blue floral dress (Albaray)
I received the good news in July of this year that I passed my last
actuarial exam, which marked the end of me studying for the actuarial
qualification sin...
The Perfect Find
Enjoy these first look photos of Numa Perrier's *The Perfect Find* starring
Gabrielle Union and Keith Powers.
After a high-profile firing, Jenna's fashi...
[10/10] 300 (2007) [15th Anniversary Re-Review]
*300 (2007)*
*Quick Review:* A legendary tale of valor, which Snyder adapts with epic
effect, the testosterone-driven "300" is led by Gerard Butler's mas...
Printable Female Body Map Template
Human Body Outline Front And Back Pdf Body Outline Human Body Drawing Body
Blank Body Body Outline Body Template Human Body Diagram
9 Free...
*Visit me at my new website, **By Rich Watson *
Ten and a half years ago, I started this blog. That’s a fair-sized chunk of
my life. What began as an ex...
Best of 2019: The 13 Best Films of the Year
by Tony Dayoub
It's Oscar Day! No predictions. Here, for your consideration, are my top
films of 2019 followed by the winners of the respective polls I
Champion is usually described as a cautionary tale about the bitter price
of ruthless ambition. Rubbish. The character of Midge Kelly is heroic,
Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash, Wherever You Are
A child awakens in a field overlooking a seaside cliff. It is near dusk.
Realizing it is late, she runs, hands feeling the tall grasses as she blows
The Amateurs (Usama Alshaibi, 2003)
I don't remember François Truffaut or Karen Finley being mentioned in any
of Ed Powers' depressing Dirty Debutantes movies. But then again, I haven't
Oscar Nominees
*Best Picture*
Black Panther
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Favourite
Green Book
A Star Is Born
Alfonso Cuarón, *Roma*
Widows: the battle between plot and film
It feels too easy to reduce *Widows* down to the unusual battle between
mainstream writer Gillian Flynn's script and director Steve McQueen's fine
art b...
my favourite job was at a dvd store
I worked in two DVD stores while I was in high school and university. I'm
22, so arguably on the fringe of not being able to say 'I grew up going to
Since all this is being published after the Oscars, we know who all were
the "best" performers of this year were *cough* Gary Oldman shouldn't have
won *co...
Hot Take: Here's My One Issue With STRONGER
Some of you may already know what I am going to say here. But I am going to
back into it anyway. *STRONGER*, the new Boston Marathon bombing movie
Trailer Alert: Memoir of a Murderer
*Director* - Won Shin Yun
*Country* - Korea
*Genre* - Thriller
Ex-serial killer with Alzheimer's disease versus a new serial killing
sociopath, or ...
* My vote - Best Actress 1962*
Following my take on the rather dull 2016 Best Actress race, there was a
real need to sink my teeth into a juicier ...
The Best Wrestling Matches of 2016 (15-1)
Continuing from yesterday's post, read on as I count down my favorite
wrestling matches of the year.
15. Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Naomichi Marufuji
I gave FilmDoo a whirl
Finally, we can forget about DVDs. Streaming video is the future for
independent films from Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries, with
new onlin...
ANNIE HALL (review)
Black Sheep Reviews says thank you and good bye with one final review. This
is our 5-Sheep review of Woody Allen's classic comedy, ANNIE HALL.
What Was This Place?
I'm a little in awe of the me that used to write this site. I was posting
almost daily. Full of ideas and, not to sound egotistical, but insights
Poor Joe: on Angels in America's lost character
For Nathaniel’s interactive *Hit Me With Your Best* Feature this week he’s
chosen Mike Nichols’ HBO adaptation of the Tony Award winning play Angels
in Am...
The High Five: June
After a month off due to a mixture of business and laziness, the High Five
is back for the June edition. May got the summer off to a great start from
a bo...
Gojira Roars Back in Toho Studio’s 2016 Reboot
Today, we have a really great article from TDYLF reader (and apparently a
great writer), Beth Kelly. Enjoy! Whether you know him as “Godzilla” or
6th Annual Chrisfilm Awards (2015)
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here, but for a day at least, I’m
back. I still don’t think I’m ready to write about every movie I see as I
see the...
Movie Club #30: "Popeye" and "Punch Drunk Love"
*0:00 - 2:10* -- Intro / Roll Call
*2:15 - 45:17* -- Popeye
*45:20 - 1:42:10* -- Punch Drunk Love
*1:42:15 - 1:48:44* -- Next Month / Outro
Your browser do...
Blindspot - "The Deer Hunter" and "Coming Home"
Whenever the blind spots of our history of film knowledge come up in
conversation, one of the most common questions is "Why haven't you seen
movie 'X' ye...
It's been a very busy year for me, and it's probably going to be just as
busy next year. This blog has not been updated since January of 2014, which
just w...
La Vie en Rose
You will not have noticed, but ...
the last attempt at this blog did not go over well. That is to say, I
stopped writing it completely after day one.
Richard Linklater's "Boyhood" is an extraordinary filmmaking achievement in
its ambition, scope and as an experiment in time and longevity through the
Lowongan Kerja SMK Di Tanggerang April 2014
*Lowongan Kerja SMK Di Tanggerang April 201*4 - Lowongan Kerja Terbaru kali
ini akan memberikan informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan terbaru . Berikut
Between the Seats 2.0
New life, new purpose.
The old Between the Seats is probably never coming back. Random reviews of
older films or new theatrical releases, marathons, those...
Hello, friends. Well, it's been real, but the time has come for me to mosey
on over to a new space. I've had Film Forager since the fall of 2008 and
I've ...
Oscar 2014 Nominee Announcement Reactions
Since I ALWAYS do this, I'll go ahead and do it again! Even though I
literally only wrote 2 blog posts last year (one of them was Oscar nom
reactions so......
Greetings. After a rather long hiatus, I'm pleased to ease back into the
movie writing practice as a contributor...
Saving Mr. Banks
*"Just Because It's Fiction Doesn't Make it a Lie"**
*"Cavorting, Twinkling, and Prancing to a Happy Ending Like a Kamikaze"*
Mary Poppins was a bitc...
Promo Heboh Kontest SEO Terbesar
- : Toko belanja online murah, Promo heboh jual barang hanya
Rp 1,-
Kabar Terbaru dari pengembangan Bisnis dari *Alfamart*, yakni melalui
One Chapter Ends...Another One Begins
Today marks the end of a lengthy, and I would say very unexpected, journey.
After seven years it is time to close the door on this little film blog
Wiener Dog Nationals (2013)
*RECENTLY, JACK-JACK WAS OBSESSED with dachshunds, aka “wiener dogs.” *Whenever
he’d see one, he’d point it out and giggle until the little four-footed
We've moved!
It's true. As I look forward to an upcoming year of academic job hunting,
I've been doing some e-cleaning and e-housekeeping. First item on the list
was fi...
Inspector Bellamy
Claude Chabrol's final film, Inspector Bellamy, begins with a dedication
and ends with a quote, and in between is one of the French master's most
Iron Man 3 – Review
Iron Man 3 – Review Film Review by FilmFellaLozz – 7.9/10 It’s been three
years since Robert Downey Jnr. reprised the role of smart-ass, quick-witted
Why I want to rub movie posters all over me
It’s no secret that I want to rub a number of movie posters all over me.
The film industry staked its claim on a large part of the popular culture
of the l...
Roger Ebert (1942 - 2013)
A few days ago Roger Ebert wrote a blog post where he discussed taking what
he called a "Leave of Presence." He was planning to cut back on the number
of ...
Most Enjoyed / Fave Films of 2012
Hey Moxie Moxie Readers, Listeners and Watchers!
Long time no post, eh?
It's the time of year that I usually am furiously listing, categorizing and
Man of Steel Trailer
It's finally here, the Man of Steel trailer and I know you all have
probably seen it a million times already, but I wanted to give my two cents
on it and w...
The State of Cinema Essay 2012
Cinema used to connote a place and film a material. Now what makes a film
is a philosophical or contextual issue, one of form and favour. The
Weekly TV Watch (Oct. 20-26)
Sunday October 21st
Once Upon a Time - "The Crocodile"
I really didn't like this episode very much. Here's the thing, I'm not a
very big fan of the decision...
Prometheus (2012)
So that's where babies come from. Let's pretend that it's early 1982. Three
years ago, Ridley Scott's Alien became a runaway success and his newest
Review Slam 6-14-12
So, I figure, if I'm watching movies I have no reason to NOT write at least
some kind of reviews for them. Thus, when I watch a few movies, I'm going
to do...
Insight into Entertainment has MOVED
This will be the last post on INSIGHT INTO ENTERTAINMENT. From now on, you
can find my musings and optimistic comments on movies over at REEL INSIGHT
No Eyeballs Were Harmed in Buñuel's 'Crusoe'
In fact, the eyeballs of yours truly were very grateful.
Luis Buñuel has always been one of my favorite directors, and I was very
happy to see a movie of h...
Margin Call or "That One Big Oops"
Ok so me and the boy saw Margin Call over the weekend, admittedly partially
against my will. But with a trailer like this, can you blame me for being
Quick Thoughts : "The Thing" (2011)
As a devout loyalist to John Carpenter's 1982 version of "The Thing," I
approached this prequel/remake with an admittedly great deal of skepticism,
but I f...
My new film blog
I haven't written anything on here in ages, so I don't expect anyone to
care about this recent turn of events, but I now have a new film/television
blog (w...
Around the World in 80 Days (1956)
*Director:* Michael Anderson
*Cast:* David Niven, Cantinflas, Shirley MacLaine, plus an enormous list of
*Genre:* Drama, Adventure
*Other Nominee...
All for One
"This Ryan better be worth it."
Steven Spielberg forever changed the American war film when he directed Saving
Private Ryan. Before this, war movies were ...
The Tree of Life
*The Tree of Life* is a song to the human, to the world, to time. It is a
sweeping, swooning roller-coaster through the moments that make us alive,
the bl...
I'm New Here
Hello He Shot Cyrus Fans!
Your waiting and patience will hopefully be rewarded. As been mentioned on
the excellent Frankly, My Dear podcast (which you shou...
Top films of all time
Okay, so on my podcast, me and my co-hosts will be doing our 8 favorite
films of all time. So that leads me here. I'm trying to whittle the ...
After a year and a half of writing this blog, and well over 200 posts, I’m
here to announce that this will be the final post at THE LIST. While it is
very ...
The end of an era
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
Wait, let's try that again:
Welcome back my ...
That's a Wrap Folks!
As those who follow this blog may have gleaned, I've not been consistent
with the updates of late. This is because I have moved onto other writing
Blogger No More...
As of today, I will no longer be using this blog for film reviews. However,
I will continue to write reviews for my own website, which I will link to
this ...
This blog is changing...
Hello again,
Remember that this site no longer is in use and that all posts and future
posts are now on:
If I am r...
Welcome to Culture Served Raw
*Select a topic below...*
The Bullfighter - Justifying Erotic Violence
Tattooing - Confessions of the Flesh
Footy Gods
Sizing Up - Pursuing the Ideal Penis...
Well, Hello There
Oh, there you are...
I'm sorry. Were you looking for Films From the Supermassive Black Hole?
Well, gee. That's just super! Thank you for supporting my site.
It's Kind of A Really Good Movie
I recently had the pleasure of seeing Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck's new film, *It's
Kind of a Funny Story* (2010), starring Zach Galifianakis, Emma Roberts an...
Random Ratings of 2 recent films
Had the privilege of going out on a movie-date with my husband last week.
His amazing boss offered free babysitting AND gave us movie vouchers so we
could ...
Mad Women Style
Okay, so I haven't posted in ages. Sorry I have been so uninspired. I hope
to post more frequently sorry lovely followers. So onto something that
always ...
While I enjoyed writing these reviews, I have discovered that doing them
well simply requires too much time, and I don't want to do them poorly,
Mean Creek Movie Review
*Mean Creek* (2004) is an artistic film on the cusp of greatness. The
cinematography is excellent, acting is great, storyline is good (although a
little p...
The King Bulletin Has Moved
Those who have been following The King Bulletin for a while are probably
aware that I have been working on redesigning my websi...
Summer anime 2010: Part 2
Once again before we get started, a few helpful links for the people who
aren't completely familiar with Japanese media terms. Ecchi, light novel,
moe, vis...
Gone With the wind (1939)
This movie set on my shelf still wrapped in its shiny red Netflix envelope,
I am embarrassed to say, for several months. I was not looking forward to
the ...
Hot Tube Time Machine (2010)
"Hot Tub Time Machine" Review
By Paolo Sardinas
"Hot Tub Time Machine", yes this really is the title, tells the tale of
three men in their 40's who try...
We Meet Once More
*The future is too confusing to think about. To look into the world with
the eyes of my choosing and to see it in the dimensions and c...
2010 Motorsports Calendar
*(last update: December 15th 2009)*
I've compiled a brief motorsports calendar for 2010 in an excel file. Each
sheet consists of one month and I've decided ...
SYTYCD Auditions: Boston
Audition City: Boston, at the Colonial Theater
Judges: Nigel Lythgoe, Mary Murphy, Tyce D'Orio,
I'm partial to this episode because I'm from Massachusetts ...
Gran Torino 7/10
I have to say this movie had its ups and downs for me. It was a bit slow to
grab my attention, but I was definitely hooked by the end. The thing I
liked t...
DVD Review: "17 Again" (***)
"17 Again" (PG-13)
Written by Jason Filardi. Directed by Burr Steers.
Starring Zac Efron, Matthew Perry, Leslie Mann, and Thomas Lennon.
Released by New L...
- Jugu Abraham *Movies that make you think*
- Melanie Addington *Oxford Film Freak*
- William Ahearn *Essays and Ramblings*
- Ricardo Lui...
Tina Aumont: 1946-2006
Just before Halloween this year we lost yet another great film icon. Tina
Aumont was one of the lovliest stars of the sixties who made her debut at
the ag...
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